Child (under 13) New Patient Registration

Named GP

All patients registering at Mere Surgery will be allocated a named General Practitioner depending on their surname.

Patients with a surname beginning with A-K will be allocated under Dr Halsey and patients with a surname beginning with L-Z will be allocated under Dr King.

Patients are however free to see any doctor of their choice for each consultation although we would encourage you to see the same doctor for the duration of each problem to ensure continuity of care.

Patient’s Details

Title *
Please use this date format: DD/MM/YYYY.
Gender *
How long has this child lived at this address?
If registering a child under 5:

Previous Address Details

Has this child ever been registered with a GP in the UK? *
Please include postcode.

If you are from abroad

Please use this date format: DD/MM/YYYY.
Please use this date format: DD/MM/YYYY.

Child’s Parent/Guardian Details

Do you give us permission to discuss this child’s full medical records with the above person? *
Do you give us permission to discuss this child’s full medical records with the above person?


Does the child have any allergies? *

Child’s Nationality

Please specify the ethnic group you consider the child belongs to: *

Child’s Health

Does the child take regular medication? *
Does the child have any long-term illness, health problem or disability? *

Please make an appointment for a new patient health check.

Are there any serious diseases that affect the child’s parents, brothers or sisters. Tick all that apply.

Child’s Language

Does the child have any problems reading English? (school age children only) *
Does the child have any problems speaking English? *
If English is not the child’s main spoken language or yours, do they or you need an interpreter (someone to help with language) when they visit the doctor? *

Child’s Immunisation History

Please include dates.

Child’s School or Nursery

Health Professionals

Does the child have contact with any of the following?
if so, please can you tell us their names
Has the child ever been under a Child Protection Plan? *

Child’s Brother/Sisters/Siblings

Data Sharing Consent Choices

To maintain continuity of clinical care, we upload certain medical information so that it is available to other healthcare organisations (eg Emergency Departments).

Details of how we share your information are found in the Privacy Notice available on our website or ask reception for a copy.

If you wish to opt out information is available at or ask at reception.

Where you have provided information on how to contact you, can you confirm you are happy for Mere Surgery to contact you by the following:

By SMS text messaging: *
Reminders for appointments, invitations to book into clinics and updating information about the surgery.
By email: *

Summary Care Records (SCR)

These are an electronic record of important patient information, created from GP medical records. They can be seen and used bu authorised staff only; in other areas of the health and care system involved in the patients care.

To Opt Out, visit


Dispensing – If you live more than 1 mile in a straight line from the nearest pharmacy

Non-Dispensing – If you live less than 1 mile in a straight line from the nearest pharmacy

Not sure what your closest pharmacy is?

Use the NHS Find a Pharmacy tool.

NHS Organ Donor registration

For more information on organ donation please visit:


To help complete your registration, please upload proof of identity, this should include photographic ID, proof of address and an image of you.
Maximum upload size: 67.11MB